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Social media

without media


Wannahang is a revolutionary new application. Through geolocation features, it facilitates new encounters, reunions, communication, social empowerment & financial freedom.

Utilizing optional next generation blockchain technology features based on the user’s preference, we aim to re-empower social networks with a focus on face-to-face connection, space-time awareness, privacy and decentralised economies.

Wannahang is not just an app; it is a gateway to a world full of possibilities, experiences, emotions and surprises.

Let the adventure begin!



Growing mental health issues due to overstimulation & scrolling addiction caused by addictive social media platforms.


Removal of media and focus the entire attention on social connection as well as facilitating face-to-face interaction.


Not knowing the current or future location of the user’s network which may connect with your own. Even though there are some apps which allow sharing the current location, there are not any with the possibility of involving the future map.


Facilitate access of the location to a user’s network (current and future).


Exploitation & monetization of user attention by corporate interest to generate profit with no benefit to the end user.


Allow users to share in the profit generated from their attention & use it to grow the native $HANG token.

This will be possible for those who have the free Subscription Model & have the blockchain features activated.


Media bombardment through social platforms & lack of focus on the in person aspects.


Keep Up section of Wannahang.

A humble social feed with no media that keeps users informed of the movements of friends.


Missing events & hangs in the near future.


View events & hangs in the proximity of your current/future location in an easy to read global map.


Messaging chats being data harvested and fed to advertising companies for profit. Lack of decentralized messengers integrated into social network platforms.


Encrypted, decentralized chat backed by a p2p blockchain network integration for those who have activated the blockchain features.


Wanting unbiased advice from a network of friends regarding travel but not knowing who to ask exactly.


Possibility to request travel advice. Wannahang will analyze the network of friends and suggest who to ask for the advice, taking into consideration the database of contacts who have already been in the location where the user wants to go.


Not knowing if potential like minded people are near.


Request friend suggestion / Suggest friend (promotion of meetings with like minded people).



  • Emergency situations.
  • Destinations that are better to go in groups.
  • Scammers


  • S.O.S button. The user can choose beforehand who they want their guardians to be or messages can also be sent automatically to those that are a certain amount of kms away from the emergency.
  • Ask Travel Friend Suggestion.
  • Robust network backed by genuine encounters.



A world map features as the center & main page of the application. A place where users can see those who come in proximity to them, where local events & hangs are; all of this projected through time with the unique Space Time Radar (STR) feature. 

Space Time Radar (STR)

The STR is designed to notify the user when someone within their network, hangs or events appear in proximity to the area in which they are (or will be) in, so as to give the user awareness of those around them.

Keep Up

Keep up is the social feed of Wannahang, entirely based on the interactions and movements of those within a user’s network, without media content. 

The items displayed in a user’s Keep Up feed can be any function of the Wannahang application, such as the creation of trips or hangs , new friend connections, suggestions requested of friends, advice on travels, STR interactions & more.

Hangs, Trips & Events

Wannahang features a number of possible ways users can organize, plan and view social interactions through the creation of Hangs, Trips & Events. These are all displayed on the main map page (at the user’s discretion) & can be interacted with by a user’s networks.

Suggest Friend

All users of Wannahang can recommend like-minded people who they think will get along well, or simply because they coincide in the same country, area or future travel plan.

Wannahang aims that users have previously encountered the people they recommend so as to build a strong network where every recommendation is backed by genuine connections and shared experiences.

Decentralized Chat

Wannahang will utilise next generation blockchain technology to facilitate an encrypted messenger chat, wallet to wallet & between multiple wallets (group chats).

All messages will be stored on-chain which renders the need for data-bases obsolete.  Users wishing to engage in the encrypted chat will require a blockchain wallet (provided within the Wannahang dApp) funded with SOL. ​ Since Wannahang is a platform for the masses, the encrypted messenger will be optional so that users who do not wish to acquire cryptocurrency can still use the chat. Thus it will be able to be switched on & off at the preference of the user. 

Earn $HANG for your attention

Earn $HANG tokens for viewing in-app advertisements and share in the success of the Wannahang network. This will be possible for those who have the free Subscription Model & have the blockchain features activated.

You can also find the Wannahang app in dark mode

Future Feature Expansions

Decentralized Marketplace

A decentralised marketplace driven by both the $HANG token and a new stable blockchain token designed for everyday usage. A place where users can buy, sell & trade goods outside of the fiat landscape.

Merchant Integration

Integration of merchant information on the map, AKA shops, businesses and services shown to users on the map with a detailed review system.


Expanded user functions for creatives to share their art in a more healthy way.

Jobs Board

Listing of employment opportunities from verified organisations by geolocation, with a detailed review system.

Community Groups

The formation of community groups to facilitate further connection.


Powered by Solana


The $HANG token lies at the center of the Wannahang ecosystem & allows our users to share in the immense growth and success potential of this revolutionary social concept. With a focus on giving back to those who support the project & reducing company profit in favour of sharing with the people who drive our network.

Holding $HANG tokens will give users access to our tiered subscription levels, each unlocking financial benefits. These levels will give users the benefits of increased earnings when viewing in-app ads, removing ads entirely & earning a share of the 10% company profit which will be used to buy back $HANG tokens from the open market for redistribution. 

Please see our whitepaper for an in-depth overview of this system.

Token Information

Wannhang is driven by the $HANG token. 

$HANG will have a total supply of 100 million tokens with zero buy/sell tax.

Token Name Wannahang
Token Symbol $HANG
Total Supply 100,000,000
Liquidity Pool (LP) 20% of Presale & 10% of supply

$HANG Token Distribution

Presale Funds Distribution

How to get a SOLANA wallet

Create a wallet on Phantom or Solflare. Download app if desired, both are available in Apple App Store & Google Play Store.

How to get $HANG

You can get $HANG on Raydium or Jupiter.

1.Buy SOL on your wallet. If you do not have one yet, check how to get a SOLANA wallet above.

2. Visit Raydium or Jupiter 

3. Connect your wallet

4. Switch SOL to $HANG. It will be automatically sent to your wallet.

Remember to leave a little bit for the gas fee. 


Here we will present the Roadmap, illustrating the inception of Wannahang and outlining our future objectives both within our crypto community and beyond.

Q1 2024

  • Concept formation
  • Wannahang application prototype development
  • Website development
  • Core team onboard

Q2 2024

  • Prototype development completed
  • Tokenomic & Economic model finalized
  • Launch website, trailer and TG community group
  • KOL ambassador onboarding
  • Pre Launch marketing campaign
  • Public Presale
  • $HANG token launch
  • Core development begins

Q3 2024

  • Core development
  • On-going marketing campaigns
  • MVP app release and testing begins *

Q4 2024

  • Heavy pre-launch marketing campaign
  • Wannahang beta dApp release
  • Continue development
  • Onboarding associations to support the app (travel agencies, event companies)

Q1 2025

  • Wannahang official dApp release *
  • Mainstream influencer marketing campaign
  • Profit sharing launch
  • First buybacks for rewards and profit share
  • New feature development
  • Collaboration expansion

*  Subject to change based on development progress